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The Governors can be likened to non-executive directors. They are drawn from a variety of areas to represent various views of the community and are expected to be the ‘critical friend ‘ of the school. They are appointed for four years to help make decisions on school policy. The Governing Body meets regularly, once a term, and has resolved to conduct its business by delegating its statutory functions to a Finance Committee as well as appointing individuals to the delegated governor roles of Safeguarding, SEND and Health & Safety.

Governors are appointed to help to:

– produce, monitor and update the School Improvement Plan; together with staff
– decide what is taught, in conjunction with the National Curriculum
– agree targets in relation to learning
– set standards of behaviour
– interview and select staff
– decide how the budget is spent
– maintain premises
– ensure the Health and Safety Regulations are met
– ensure staff have continuing professional development

School Governors cannot act individually, they can only make joint decisions after discussion.

School Governors have the responsibility to monitor and support the school in ensuring that the Christian vision, distinctiveness and character enables all individuals to flourish.

As a Church of England primary school in the Diocese of Canterbury, according to legal documentation, leaders at all levels are responsible for preserving and developing the religious character in partnership with its Church. As a result, governors at St Mary's CEP have an additional role in developing and upholding the distinctive ethos upon which their school was founded.

St Mary's CEP Governing Body

Chair of the Governors:

Vice-Chair of Governors:

Revd. M Carter

Mrs B Mayall

Appointed by Staff: Miss A Miller
Appointed by Parents:

Mr K Musvipa


Appointed by Diocese:

Mrs P Simmons

Mr N Simmons

Mrs Lucy Hodkinson




Ex-Officio Diocese: Revd. M Carter
LA Governor: Mrs B Mayall
Ex-Officio Executive Headteacher: Ms H Comfort
Clerk to the Governors: Mr R Dale

Mr M Lamprell (Head of School)

Mrs L Windsor (Business Manager)

Parent governors must have a child at the school and are elected by the parents.

Further information regarding the Governing Body can be found in the document below.