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Curriculum Provision

Our curriculum has been developed in accordance with National Curriculum requirements, our school's Christian Vision and Christian Narrative. It enables learners to develop a range of skills, knowledge and understanding in breadth and depth, so that:

- Learners can demonstrate or explain concepts orally, concretely, visually and abstractly, AND the learner can apply the skill or concept in different contexts automatically.

- Topics and themes take account of learners’ own interests, enabling them to be involved in making choices and generating questions about their own learning.

- Through creative and memorable learning experiences, the holistic child is able to flourish and reach their potential

- Learning addresses local, British and international issues and themes help to develop learners' understanding of British Values, cultural capital and spiritual development.

- Outdoor and off-site learning is given a high profile, using our local environment as effectively as possible.

All curriculum areas and topics encourage and foster high levels of creativity, build independence and create successful learners ready for the next step in their education.

Our curriculum is documented through: specified policies; subject action plans; Key Stage and Year Group Curriculum Maps; Class Topic Planners.

Any questions about the curriculum should be directed to your child's Class Teacher.

Long Term Curriculum Plans for Early Years, KS1 and KS2 are attached below.